Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What was your favorite piece of literature covered in class? Why?

My favorite piece of literature covered in class was "The Lottery". It is so because of the sheer volume of ignorance, violence and intolerant views upon the different views of the story. The use of how the suspense rises slowly and the repetitive use of the black box make you want to read it until you finally realized (for which it is not really described) what the black box is used for. By then you know where the story is going and you cannot sit tightly until you finish it completely. It is an astonishing piece of work that describes the way violence happens all around us yet we are so busy that we often do not care about it. All over the news we see acts of violence and we are so basked in it that we now take it as normal behavior of human beings when it is so much more. Humans are not supposed to be violent beings, they are supposed to be rational ones, but every now and then the law of the jungle takes over our minds and we find ourselves loosing our conscience hold and breaking the boundaries of what is right and wrong. This doesn’t necessarily happen in violence alone. This happens in every day interactions as well, for we think ourselves as tolerant but tolerance I’m afraid is just a pretty word for arrogance, because because it is tolerant the person who believes he is right and grasped by the handle standard. We see all these things in the story and that is why it is my favorite out of all the other discussed in the class.

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